Sunday 13 May 2007


What an astonishing film Goodfellas is! I watched it last night on pay-per-view TV with my two eldest sons; one of them has seen it many times, the other has never seen it, in fact he saw his first Scorsese film, The Aviator, very recently, so he's in the fortunate position of having lots to look forward to as I introduce him to Scorsese's work. I am of course completely biased, as, to me, he is the world's greatest living film director. Now, I know all the standard arguments, that nothing he has made since Goodfellas has reached the dizzying heights of that masterpiece, and that may be the case, but frankly, I don't care. Like all fanatics I may have my favourites but all his work is substantial and repays repeated viewing.
Unlike many critics, I loved The Departed and saw it twice at the cinema. I luxuriated in all the Scorsese trademarks; the richness of the cinematography, the use of music, the risk-taking acting, and, most satisfyingly, the way he always manages to get the best out of his actors. Di Caprio, of course, is now a Scorsese muse, and is doing his best work for him now, but Matt Damon, another actor I admire, demonstrated the range and depth of his talent which I have always felt were there.
Goodfellas, however, is a major tour de force. The main set-pieces are well-known; the tracking shots, the vignettes of Italian-American domestic life, the famous scenes with the terrifyingly psychotic Joe Pesci - it was a treat to see them all again. It's been a long while it but it was great to experience that warm, comfortable feeling of seeing a dearly-loved old friend. Perhaps not the reaction Scorsese intended, but it's always a real treat.
I think we'll watch Mean Streets next, then Taxi Driver, but I think he'd also like After Hours (a favourite of mine). I must now confess that, shamefully, I've never seen Raging Bull, so that's a priority. Many, many treats to come.......

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Film, television and book reviews, plus odd musings