Tuesday 9 October 2007

Kagemusha (again)

Well, I watched this again, and enjoyed it even more. Having read a bit about it, and having seen it the first time, I had a much better idea of what was happening and who everybody was. my concentration was better, as I watched in the afternoon, instead of Saturday night, not the best time to have a clear focus. Usually, the only thing I'm fit for on a Saturday night is one of those Channel 4 '100 Best' list programmes.
Once again, I found myself sitting back and glorying in the sumptuous visuals. I've read that Kurosawa admired John Ford, and certainly there's not a wasted shot in either director's films. Each one in Kagemusha is perfectly composed and balanced, and some are awe-inspiring. I've rarely seen anything as beautiful as the shot of the soldiers marching across a high ridge against the setting sun, near the beginning, and there are many other visual treats.
I'm developing quite a taste for Kurosawa's films - a friend is similarly hooked, so I can discuss them with him. More to come......

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Film, television and book reviews, plus odd musings