Friday 13 April 2007

David Miliband (2)

I worry a bit that I'm becoming slightly obsessed with Mr Miliband, but I'm not alone. The papers all seem convinced that he's a leader-in-waiting. After another article the other day about him I took the opportunity of looking at his website which contains his blog. Very weird. He's got an extraordinary Fotherington-Thomas-like quality about him (Hello birds! Hello bees!) and seems enchanted and delighted with his status. I wonder though. There's a ferocious ambition in his eyes which bely all that, and his family background shouldn't be dismissed. His father was Ralph Miliband, who I remember as a very left-wing academic, a founding member of the 1950s' New Left. People brought up in ferociously left-wing backgrounds often react against them, but the commitment and zeal endemic to that background still remains. How extraordinary that Ralph's 2 sons (Ed is also a New Labour MP and has long been a close associate of Gordon Brown's) should be at the heart of New Labour, a body I'm sure Ralph would have despised.
Anyway - I shall continue my Miliband-watching. It's going to be very interesting to see how he handles the next few years as I can see some bloody times ahead for the party.

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